Twenty-Two Things

Twenty-Two things
It's been about two months and a bit since I turned twenty-two so I have composed a list of twenty two things I have learnt while being alive and a few of them have a backstory to them that I have shared.
Hope you enjoy!
1. We are made perfectly imperfect.
- No one was made to be perfect - we were made to strive for it, but what is "perfect" anyways. Everyone has there own idea of perfect, this leads me to my second 'thing'.
2. You are your worst critic.
- I do not know about you, but I know that I with out doubt can find something wrong with almost anything I do or of any picture taken of me. You see yourself and you wish you hadn't eaten that meal before the photoshoot, or you wish you smiled a little different or whatever it maybe. You will ALWAYS see more flaws than anyone else. As I said above you are perfectly imperfect, and thats what makes us beautiful, our flaws are apart of us, accept them, embrace them, change the ones you can and love the ones you can't.
3. Be kind and have grace, no matter what you are going through.
- This is something I'm still learning everyone has something they are battling, and what good is it to be mean to someone who really isn't worth the fight or the aggravation. You will be look at better if you walk away from a petty fight rather than take it head on. "Fools respond with anger while the wise have the courage to walk away."
4. Be honest.
- Easier said then done am I right? Although it is so important, lies can hurt even if it is the smallest white lie. Have you ever heard of the snowball effect, you know it starts off small and gets bigger and bigger and then all of a sudden boom! It is a massive issue you have lost control of. I try to be honest as much as I can, even if I am going to get in trouble for it. That being said though we all lie from time to time for example "does getting a tattoo hurt?" "Nooooo not really" when in actuality it does no matter where you get one it just hurts less than other places.
5. Take risks.
- You don't know what you're missing, try new things even if it's just once, you never know you may actually love it. Just don't go risking your safety.
6. If someone or something brings you more sadness than happiness let them go.
- Your happiness is yours don't compromise just to make someone else feel better.
7. Surround yourself with people that lift you up.
- Let's be honest, negativity... "AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT". Cut the negative people and negative things out. Have people that keep you grounded but make you feel god.
8. Self love and self care is important.
- Taking time to yourself is important, you're not being selfish. Taking time to recuperate and getting back to you is something we all need. So skip that party or the club if you just want to relax. No one ones you and hey who doesn't like a good book and a bath bomb, if you don't then you obviously never tried it!!
9. Speak up.
- YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE STRONG. Never let people walk over you, you are too dang special for that.
10. Eat.
- I have a tendency to skip meals or "forget to eat" because I am too busy. NAH FOOL, EAT! Food is energy and you don't want to burn yourself out only to sleep for an entire day. Also skipping a meal isn't going to make you skinny, if anything its only going to make it harder for you to get you to or keep your ideal look. ABS are made in the kitchen.
11. Lists are good.
- Lists are your friend, they aren't trying wheels they are a reference just incase. They help things run smoothly.
12. Loneliness is normal.
- We all get lonely, we all want that special person you can talk to no matter what, someone you can just cuddle at night. We all want a one of a kind love, it will happen don't rush it. As Florida Georgia Line & Bebe Rexha said "if its meant to be it'll be."
13. A few friends is better then 1,000 friends.
14. Don't believe everything you see on Instagram.
- Instagram is like makeup, it makes people's lives look perfect, but remember people only show you the good stuff or the most aesthetically pleasing things on social media. Very seldom does anyone (including me) show you the demons we are battling. We all have our own issues, don't think just because someone has 10,000 followers on social media that they have the perfect life. As I said earlier we all are going through something even if on the surface everything looks perfect.
15. Spread positivity.
- There is a reason I call my blog "Good Vibes" is because I believe spreading positivity and happiness is so important. I would rather be know for always being happy and a good person than anything else.
16. Don't take things for granted...
- ... because in a blink of an eye it could all be gone.
17. Don't forget to tell those you love that you love them.
- Even if you're angry with them. Never hang up the phone, or leave the house with out telling them you love them. You never know what could happen or if it could be the last time you talk to them.
18. Travel.
- Going to new places and immersing yourself in a different culture opens your mind and your heart. We live in a big world so get out of your bubble. "The money will return but the experience is once in a lifetime."
19. Don't take people for granted.
20. Be honest with yourself.
- Being honest with others is one thing but being honest with yourself is a completely different battle and just as important.
21. A smile can fix almost anything.
- A simple smile can make someone feel welcome, change someones mood, or even brighten there day. I think I read somewhere that a smile can make you feel happier. There is a quote I love "You are never fully dressed with out a smile."
22. Love yourself.
- If you can't love yourself how do you expect anyone else to? Never look for someone else to tell you how beautiful or handsome you are. Never let someone have that control over you. Know yourself worth, and don't tell anyone tell you different.
To finish this off, I have to say that I know I still have a lot to learn and as you go through life everyday is an opportunity to learn and grow, and you need to seize every opportunity you get. You become a better person if you immerse yourself in the different culture and opinions of those around you. Keep an open mind and love those of all gender, race, sexuality, etc. for you are to treat and love thy neighbor as you do yourself.
Good Vibes to all,
Josh xx
Check this song out - I believe it's about self love.