Happy New Year

Wow… 2019 already Huh.
As I write this its the mid of January… and now its February. I’ve really been lacking in getting these done.
I just wanted to do an update on life and share with you who follow my blog, what I plan to do this year and where I want to take this blog, and the direction of my life, and me typing them out and putting them up here will help me visualize and refer back to something when I start feeling “lost”.
First of all thank you all those who are still following my blog, even though I don’t post often, although I do hope on changing that this year! It has been a year of change for sure, just as you start to get comfortable BAM, life throws you a hurtle or four. As most of you know January was the one of the saddest months as my family and I lost one of the heroes and someone that I look/ed up to, My NooNoo (Great Grandfather). To me he was the perfect combination of what a man should be, humble, honest, open-minded, loving and respected by all those who met him. He was a hero, in all aspects and treated women and men with the respected they deserved, he protected our country and our family.
He was in many ways an inspiration to me. He would always write weekly letters on Friday’s to those who liked getting them, just an update on the family and how everyone was doing, which is kind of why I do this blog its like my newsletter, even though I have been really bad at getting one out every week, which I said I will be working on or at least every other week, but this blog is also like a personal journal to share my thoughts with those who want to listen. Anyways fast forward to March as most of you I parted ways with Starbucks after working with them for four years. It was time, and as I was sad to go I have to say that the issue with big corporations like is the drastic differences from state to state and that is that on that I have let my resentment for that job go. I spent the next few months travelling and spending time with family and friends until July. July I started my new job at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema and it is one of my favourite jobs I’ve had, it is completely different to anything I’ve done before, still in the service industry but its new, fun and challenging. I have made some great relationships while working there and I’m excited to see where it goes.
I took another break from school (shocker… I know). I need to really focus on myself and my mind is just not in the place for school. Although I have pretty much locked down what I want to study now, which I am happy to announce will be Multimedia Marketing. I love being able to talk about products I love, places I’ve been and overall experiences and this is what I think will really bring put my passion for photography, writing and all the other art I love to create. I hope to go back in the Fall.
There is so many things I would love to accomplish this year. For starters, I have found a brand that I absolutely in love with. The brand is called Moment. They are doing great things with mobile photography and helping people travel and leave their mark on the world. I am seriously considering submitting my application to work with them. They are a company with goals that are inline with my way of thinking and the way I want to live my life. They have really inspired me in the last few days ever since I found out about them. I have been doing my research on the company and I will be praying and doing everything in my power to try and get a job with them.
I want to work on my photography and start submitting work to magazines and or intern with different travel or fashion magazines to get my work published and expand my circle of creatives. I am constantly looking for work/internships anywhere I can to start getting my name in the world of fashion and travel. I’ve started a bit late but then again Albert Einstein did say time is relative right?
Something else I want to focus on is relationships, the relationships in my life are not as strong as I would like and I need to stop moping around, and focus on my family and friendships and actually call and text them once in awhile and not just at the spontaneous moment when I want to hangout.
This is getting to be a long list but this is the last thing I would like to mention before it becomes a drag to read, but I would like to work on my health, mental and physical. In this past few years I have been struggling with seasonal depression, body issues and also just lack of motivation to do anything about it. I really want to hone in on myself and strength myself physically and mentally, I want to get myself in the place I want to see myself. A place where I accept myself, where I am confident being who I am and don’t hold myself to impossible standards imposed by the media. I want the work I do to reflect that everyone is beautiful, I want it to radiate positivity, good vibes. I want everyone I meet to feel welcomed by me, and not like they are going to be judged or cast out by me. I want to improve myself to have a more caring nature, to be patient with everything and not to let the trivial issues bug me. I want 2019 to be the start of how I want to live the rest of my life. Happy, authentic and filled with the people I love.
Thank you! If you stuck around to the end I greatly appreciate it. I have a few last questions for all of you reading this.
What would you like to see form me this year?
What content should I put out that will get you attention and hopefully show your friends and others my blog/Instagram?
Would you refer me to a friend who needs photos done?
These are just questions I would like answered so I better know how to target you all better and grow my audience as a whole. I hope you all have a wonderful 2019 and hey Feb 14th is just around the corner, cant wait to share some amazing things coming up for that.
Good Vibes to all,