The best thing I could have done was sign up for a site that works with influencers and connecting them with major brands to less well known ones. This website is called, you connect all your social medias and it ranks your influence based on followers and engagement due to this I was able to work with Dove Men and got an awesome package in the mail which I got to test out, right a review on and took some body positive photos for.

The Photoshoot:

To promote the products, Dove Men, and also challenge myself to do something absolutely terrifying that in a million years I never thought I would do, due to my insecurities I have with the appearance of my body.

To do the shoot I contacted an amazing photographer and a good friend of mine Will Moss. The reason I wanted to have the photoshoot done in the shower was for a few reasons.

1. To show how the products looked when being used.

2. To show that I am actually using the products so I can give an accurate review and not just plagiarizing someone else's review.

3. I wanted to do it mainly to try and be more body aware in front of the camera and to build more self-confidence, being exposed like that is very vulnerable state, and to produce something beautiful and to see a photo of yourself that vulnerable and to love it. That was the purpose of the shoot.

Below are a few photos from the shoot. Be respectful, be kind. If don't know if you should say something, if you think it might come off in a negative way then DO NOT LEAVE A COMMENT. This is a safe space and I will not have people destroy it just to bring others down, I preach good vibes for a reason and I want to keep this site positive. Thanks for understanding.