above photo by @chickaartistica
WWIM Pt. 2 | Liz Martinez
Many of you who have been following me for a while probably know exactly who this beautiful women is. Liz Martinez is one of my amazing best friend and travel buddies. Liz is a social media influencer, YouTuber, and business woman. She currently resides in the state of Delaware.
Liz and I share more than just the love of travel. She runs an amazing photography and graphic design business. She is graduating this year from university with a Multimedia Communication degree, which she just received an award for excellence in for her being top of her class. I am personally so proud of her and I knew when picking influential women of Instagram and someone inspires me I knew I had to have her on the list.
When I asked Liz if she would do the interview she was very excited to do it. Doing an over the phone interview with your best friend is weird because you feel as if you can pretty much answer the questions but her opening up was great and I even learnt a few things about her.
“What made you want to be an influencer | YouTuber.”
Well I really wanted to empower and inspire people.”
“What major things are you working on for this year that you are super excited about?”
“Well I just launched my business ‘Liz Martinez Creations’ which is my photography and graphic design company, so I am really excited to grow that more and bring in some new clients and hope to start offering more services too. On my SimplyXLiz side of things I’m really excited to get back to vlogging and be more active on YouTube & Instagram again. It has really taken a backseat to my school for obvious reasons, but yeah I am excited to share this new chapter with all of my subscribers and followers.
“What exactly are you trying to promote through all of your social media outlets. I mean we live in a crazy time where it is almost like you can’t trust what you are really hearing anywhere, how do you prove to be you?”
“Well I am me and that is what I want to promote, I am trying to promote you are who you are and it's better to be authentic and have a certain relatable feeling. I want to be kind and approachable instead of coming off cold and giving unrealistic expectations.
“How does your company and your goals as an influencer come full circle?”
“Due to my goal being to promote authenticity and realness, I put that into everything I do and all the work I create, and my clients and followers really appreciate that. They know with me they are getting the full package, they are getting all of me and all of my ideas and exceptions that I have for myself, they know they are getting 100% and I am putting in 100%.
“With all the followers and subs you have (2,288 followers on Instagram, 21,527 subscribers on Y.T.) how do you feel you empower them and what’s your overall message to them.
I believe in community over competition. I don’t like it when people think they are better than someone else, because we are all learning and growing, as humans that is what we do. My favourite quote and something I strongly believe in is “fix another girls crown without telling the world it was crooked” and that goes for anyone of any gender male, female, non binary and however you identify. You can get ahead and help others without having to tear them down or but them on blast.”
As you can tell Liz is a very passionate and driven young women. She lives to create and inspire people through her work, which is one of the reasons she and I vibe so well. She is going to do great things in this world, and I can’t wait to see all she does. Thanks everyone for reading as always…
Good Vibes
x Josh